Get to know your host


I've been traveling since I can remember! My whole family got the travel bug and it never left. Now I live to experience travel and see every inch of the world that I can.

(That's my sister and I at Petra!)

There is nothing that compares to the feeling of travel...

When you step off the plane somewhere new....It's not something that can be bottled up and shipped, it's only something you can experience in person and feel for yourself. I swear it changes you. Makes you a better person. Shifts your world views and beliefs. Lets you see how other people live, what their culture is like, the foods that are popular there, its incredible. You never come home the same person as when you left. THAT is something I want you to feel.

My mission is to give you as many travel memories as I can.

My wish is that you can have as many travel photos and videos as I do on my phone πŸ˜‚ I currently have 14,000 photos and 9,506 videos and most of it is travel related! When I'm in a mood, I go through my phone and re live my travels! It's so nice to have.


Sarah Pesso makes beaches, ancient ruins, mountains, and co-working spaces her office by working remotely, all while growing her international businesses.

She’s run her businesses full-time since 2015 in over 20 international cities, with spotty WiFi and all different experiences. (Like being stuck on the side of a mountain by Mt. Everest for 2 hours)

Sarah has been an executive assistant to multiple 7 figure and 8 earners for the last 8 years, and she also ventured out on her own curating mastermind retreats at exotic locations around the world. She now also does group travel trips to let others experience the world the best way.

When she's not helping others or traveling the world, she is home in Florida by the beach. (Hopefully soon with a dog)

Sarah's biggest and one true passion though is seeing every inch of this world and all it has to offer. She wants to bring awareness to things going on around the world, and capture them for the world to see.

When I was being created it was a blend of: 50% love of dogs, and 50% love of travel. πŸ˜‚ 40% love of Harry Potter. 80% love of reading books. 60% love of rainy days with a book, candles lit, twinkly lights there's nothing better! (Except maybe brand new sheets 😍) 30% weight lifting. I know my math isn't mathing, but you get the idea.

I definitely didn't get here overnight though.

In fact, quite the opposite...

I had my first job when I was 13 years old working at a dog groomers. My love for dogs is just as high as my love for travel. Went through all different customer service jobs, in a wide range of jobs. I always said that I would NEVER work somewhere and be miserable. Life is way too short. So I would work there and be happy until I really wasn't and then went to something else (hello ADHD πŸ˜‚) The 9-5 wasn't meant for me. The long retail hours and weekends wasn't meant for me either.

I kept having to say no to everything and everyone because I always had to work it seemed. Even holidays! It got old fast and then around 9 10 years ago I walked into the online space and never looked back. I got a tiny sliver of freedom, and that was it!


All of what you just read isn't the juicy stuff. I skipped over the childhood traumas and things that are life and all that sadness, all the big hardships of life teaching me lessons. If you're going through those things now, I know life can be a real B sometimes. I also know how HEALING traveling can be and sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith and book a flight and get away. I PROMISE you it gets better.